
Every one loves natural beauty.It’s true that nothing can compete natural beauty.There are lot of makeup brands in the market.Many of us have various skin issues and everyone tries to look beautiful by applying these branded products.But sometimes it does not work because may be the ingredients use in a product are harmful for skin, i.e. if A is applying a product on her skin and get some good results but a same product applied by B doesn’t shows the good result.Because everyone has not the same type of skin.

Your demand for beauty products can be different but your demand for beauty care can not be different.Because everyone can adopt the same healthy routines which has a potential to enhance their natural beauty.

Here are the few healthy routine  tips which you can apply on yourself.

1.Healthy Diet:

It is vital to go for nutritious and healthy diet.Include variety of  fresh fruits and vegetables in your food, they provide you with essential vitamins and minerals that are good for your skin as well as for your hairs.

2. Drink more water:

Keep your skin hydrated by drinking plenty of water.It will not only make your skin naturally glowing but also your internal body system works more efficiently.

3. Exercise:

Take out a time from your daily routine to go for any exercise, yoga or mediation.It will shape you to look more beautiful and healthy.And also increase your will power to overcome diseases.

4. Take an adequate sleep:

Lack of adequate sleep leave your look not fresh.It can throw you in stress net  and other mind body issues and  your skin also suffers.So try to get 7-8 hours sleep and also make it your routine to go early on bed and early to rise.

5. Hygiene practice:

Proper cleansing and moisturizing make your skin soft and smooth. Washing a face twice a day remove dead skin cells and germs from your skin and also make it free from any type of acne problems. Similarly washing your hands and feet and shampooing your hairs is also important.

6. Maintain your facial appearance:

How your face appear when you are so much emotional? whether you are in stress or in happy mood.You notice that when you are happy and smile your skin glows and when you are in stress you look more pale and dull.

7. Decent dressing:

You are wearing an expensive or any top branded dress but you are not able to carry that outfit, it then ruins the beauty of your dress too. So try to wear colors that you like most and you can easily carry them too.Your dress may be cheap and simple but it should be such that it make you look decent.

8. Attractive personality:

Your way of talking and walking should be like that that make your personality look more beautiful and attractive one too. So Talk in way that everyone can understand your words.And walk in a way that everyone can try to follow you.Giving respect is a formula for taking respect.Keep control on your tongue and  anger.

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