
Oxford dictionary define hobby as “an activity done regularly in one’s leisure time for pleasure”.

It means that hobby is any activity which we do in our free time for our own pleasure and fun. We do not do it professionally or for money sake but for our own enjoyment.

Hobbies increases our level of happiness and helps in  reducing stress level.

Everyone has some type of hobby which they enjoy doing. Whether it is cooking, baking, travelling,  writing, reading, painting, playing,  singing etc.

There are many hobbies that can help us to lower our stress level.



It is a great hobby for those who love to cook food and enjoy the whole process of trying recipes or making new ones. Cooking or baking is a creative process. Many people started cooking as a hobby and later on they become professional cook.

While cooking you focus on the whole process. It keeps your mood good and helps to ease your stress. Pleasant aroma and sound gives you feeling of joy and freshness. Cutting down the food into pieces acts like a therapy for you.


2. Journal Writing

Journal writing is a hobby through which you can learn about yourself more. When you write what’s inside your mind, it reduces stress and lessens nervous tension. It is worth more than 1000 times from your therapist or psychiatrist.As you write down whatever comes to your mind.

You just write it down , share all that which is inside your mind, what you are feeling,what are your emotions all that and on the end  of writing when you look back your heart become less burdened, or you get the solution for your problem. Because writing in journal all that which is teasing and depressing you , clarify to you on the end.

So start journaling and sharing with it all that depresses you. Whether it is a gratitude journal or your thought sharing journal or daily planning journal.


3. Painting

Painting is considered as an art therapy that reduces anxiety. Many mental health professionals suggest this to people who suffer from anxiety. As colors have an impact on mood and pours you with different types of feelings. You are coping with your stress when playing with colors on the canvas. Thus the hormones that causes stress inside you, lessens while painting and you looks more productive and calm.


4. Gardening

Gardening proves very beneficial for our health. It helps you to relax and cope with anxiety. As it is a natural process and you enjoy your time in natural environment playing  with soil and seeds , a whole process and the plant that grows from it. It is a an effective antidepressant medicine for you that has positive impact on your mind.


5. Reading

Books have their own world and the people who read them enters in their world. This world helps them to get rid of their tensions and relax while reading about any topic which they love to read or write or love to listen.

Research shows that reading lowers your heart rate and ease the tension in muscles. Even a few minutes spend in reading helps you to reduce your two thirds of stress. It is better and quick relaxation method.

 What is your hobby that helps you to reduce your level of stress? Share with us.

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