img_20240115_191838 I started this blog  ( )   is 9 years ago as a hobby with the intention of displaying my artwork. I haven’t worked too much on the marketing side of blog because i was busy with my other chores. But still this blog got’s exposure a lot with nearly 3.9k+ subscribers , with nearly 52K + views, visitors, bulk of posts 180+.
If any one is interested in buying it with all the content, so, Kindly contact me through my contact page with your offer.
From the last year i lack time to maintain it, so i am in to sell this blog and handover to anyone who can maintain it and get the benefit of its audience. This is an earning opportunity for anyone who was interested in buying this blog and monetizing it in the digital business world, only little effort is required for it.  You can reshape and monetize this blog and earn from this blog via Advertisement, Sponsored Posts, Affiliate Links, Your own products or services etc. I am not going to write too much on it but;
If any one is interested in buying it with all the content. Kindly contact me through my contact page with your offers, kindly clearly mention your offers.
Thanks. Note: No spammers allowed, kindly clearly fill the contact page.